About John G. Cleminshaw, Inc.
A Legacy Within the Mass Appraisal Industry - The J.M. Cleminshaw Co. was founded in Brookpark, Ohio by James Cleminshaw and his four siblings in 1923. The J.M. Cleminshaw Co. was the first to introduce the concept of private, professional appraisal firms performing reappraisals of entire taxing jurisdictions - thereby blazing the trail of mass appraisal as we know it. It didn't take long for the J.M. Cleminshaw Co. and its charismatic leaders to become the authority on all issues pertaining to ad valorem appraisal.
Today, John D. Cleminshaw represents the third generation of a family whose name is synonymous with Mass Appraisal from coast to coast.

The J.M. Cleminshaw Co. is founded in Brookpark, Ohio by James Cleminshaw and his four siblings.

Sandusky County, Ohio contracts with The J.M. Cleminshaw Co. to appraise all Commercial and Industrial properties in the county for tax purposes. The first privately contracted reappraisal of its kind.

The Company's scope of influence stretches from Florida to Montana and from Nova Scotia to California through its involvement in Reappraisal projects. Influence on the assessment world as a whole was evident throughout the entire nation.

The J.M. Cleminshaw Co. launches work on a full Reappraisal of all parcels of real property in Nassau County, New York. This project represents the largest scale Reappraisal anywhere to date.

The J.M. Cleminshaw Co. publishes the first edition of many Cleminshaw Appraisers Manuals that would subsequently be circulated throughout the nation. This Appraisal Manual became the de facto "bible" for mass appraisal practices.

John G. Cleminshaw begins his career with The J.M. Cleminshaw Co.

John G. Cleminshaw adds the MAI appraisal designation to his other real estate appraisal designations.

John G. Cleminshaw founds
John G. Cleminshaw, Inc.

John David Cleminshaw begins his career with John G. Cleminshaw, Inc.

John David Cleminshaw assumes the position of President of
John G. Cleminshaw, Inc.

John G. Cleminshaw, Inc. becomes Business Partners with Pictometry, Inc.

John G. Cleminshaw, Inc. acquires it's first experience performing desktop confirmation of data on the 2012 Sexennial Reappraisal of Lorain County, Ohio. The Company also utilized computer tablets for the first time during the field review and final valuation phase of operations.
John G. Cleminshaw, Inc. becomes Business Partners with Bruce Harris and Associates.

The Company begins a collaborative development program which culminates in the "Paperless Reappraisal" of Wayne County, Ohio. This unique Reappraisal - the only one of its kind in the United States - incorporates all of the best of the technological tools that are available to the Assessment Community. Digital ortho photography overlays, in concert with oblique photography, computer tablets, computer generated management tools and the power of GIS combine to create a synergistic environment and unparalleled efficiencies.

As part of a three member team that includes the Wayne County Auditor’s office and Bruce Harris and Associates, John G. Cleminshaw, Inc. is presented with the very prestigious Special Achievement in GIS [SAG] Award for our work in connection with the Wayne County Paperless Reappraisal Project. The SAG Award is granted by ESRI annually to less than 100 of the more than 80,000 product users – all of whom are taken into consideration for the esteemed award.